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Tags voip security

TADSummit Innovators Podcast reviews the Last 6 Months of RTC Security Trends with Sandro Gauci

Published on Jul 26, 2024 in ,

This week, I had the pleasure of joining Alan Quayle on the TADSummit Innovators Podcast to review the last six months of VoIP and WebRTC security news. We delved into some of the most intriguing trends emerging in the RTC security space. We covered the following RTC security trends for 2024 so far: Increasing focus on WebRTC vulnerabilities and security Growing concern over VoIP and conferencing platform security Emerging threats from AI and machine learning in audio manipulation Growing importance of resilience in communication systems SMS/Voice 2FA is hugely problematic Here are the top 10 insights that emerged from our discussion:…

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Killing bugs … one vulnerability report at a time

Executive summary (TL;DR) We tell the story behind the latest FreeSWITCH advisories and how it all came together one sleepless night in April 2021 so that we ended up with 4 vulnerabilities that needed reporting. And then, one more vulnerability found due to a bug in our own software, SIPVicious PRO. We explain how these flaws were discovered, reported, fixed and what we ultimately learned through this process. What is this about?…

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One presentation at ClueCon and five security advisories for FreeSWITCH

The FreeSWITCH team has just published version v1.10.7 which fixes a number of security issues that we reported. If you use FreeSWITCH, please do upgrade to get these security updates. To learn about the background work that went into getting these security bugs squashed, follow Sandro’s talk called Killing bugs … one vulnerability report at a time. This will be presented at at ClueCon on Thursday, October 28th. Here are the titles of each advisory and a very short summary:…

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Why volumetric DDoS cripples VoIP providers and what we see during pentesting

Published on Oct 13, 2021 in ,

An epiphany Until a few days ago, I was of the opinion that simulating volumetric DDoS attacks is not something we should be doing. If you had asked us for such a test, we would have given you a negative answer. Ironically, we had been unwittingly simulating volumetric DDoS attacks while quietly ignoring our own results. But, it’s time to stop neglecting bandwidth saturation and start giving it the attention that it deserves.…

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Massive DDoS attacks on VoIP Providers and simulated DDoS testing

Published on Sep 24, 2021 in , and other VoIP providers under DDoS attack At the time of writing, a major VoIP provider called is under a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack since over a week. As a result, they are unable to serve their customers with everyone and their dog complaining that they cannot connect to’s SIP servers as well as other resources. At the same time, someone claiming to be part of the REvil ransomware group is blackmailing the provider.…

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Abusing SIP for Cross-Site Scripting? Most definitely!

Published on Jun 10, 2021 in , ,

Executive summary (TL;DR) SIP can be used as an attack vector for AppSec vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS), potentially leading to unauthenticated remote compromise of critical systems. VoIPmonitor GUI had one such vulnerability which highlights this attack vector exceptionally well. The following writeup explores how persistent backdoor administrative access can be obtained by sending malicious SIP messages. This vulnerability was reported by Enable Security and fixed in VoIPmonitor GUI back in February 2021, using standard cross-site scripting protection mechanisms.…

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Bug discovery diaries: Abusing VoIPmonitor for Remote Code Execution

Executive summary (TL;DR) We fuzzed VoIPmonitor by using SIPVicious PRO and got a crash in the software’s live sniffer feature when it is switched on. We identified the cause of the crash by looking at the source code, which was a classic buffer overflow. Then we realized that was fully exploitable since the binaries distributed do not have any memory corruption protection. So we wrote exploit code using ROP gadgets to get remote code execution by just sending a SIP packet.…

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RTC Security chat at Kamailio World Online with Daniel and Olle

It’s been a month already since the Kamailio World RTC security chat! The conversation included Daniel-Constantin Mierla and Olle E. Johansson from the Kamailio project and myself. Daniel is the lead developer of Kamailio, can be found at ASIPTO while Olle is behind If you don’t have time to watch the entire conversation, the following is my summary of this discussion: Introductions and discussions After introductions from Daniel, I took lead to briefly mention what we at Enable Security have been up to, including our work on SIPVicious PRO, our research on WebRTC security especially regarding the TURN server abuse vulnerability, our work on DoS in VoIP and WebRTC infrastructure and finally, research on how Kamailio may be (mis)configured to introduce vulnerabilities.…

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Kamailio World Online SIP and VoIP Security Panel

On 2nd September, 14:00-14:30 Berlin time, the author of this post is joining Olle E. Johansson to chat at Kamailio World online about (guess what?) SIP and VoIP security, and recommendations on how working from home impacts security. I very much look forward to our discussions that will be streamed live on the Kamailio World youtube channel! My arguments will likely be turned into an opinion piece later on, but they’ll likely steer towards the following thoughts:…

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